How did Winschoterzijl come into being?

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It will come as no surprise that the campsite is located in a historically interesting place. We are happy to tell you more about the history of this beautiful place when you visit the camper park. Enjoy the peace and space that is so typical of this location.

A place with an active past
That was different in the past. Pioneers, traders, peat workers, soldiers and adventurers settled in this place. This can be read in the vividly written Het laten Luthers oord Winschoterzijl. Would you like to read more about the fascinating history? Then be sure to read the article, and also visit our history page.

Reserving in advance not necessary

We have beautiful paved camper pitches, and in most cases there is something available and you do not have to reserve in advance. You can always call ea_ or email for more information to

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